Same Day Appointments
Check out our different areas of services
Hours: Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Not feeling well, but can’t see your regular primary care provider? Krohn Clinic Same Day appointment provides high-quality, convenient, same-day service to patients requiring treatment for illness or injuries that require immediate care, but are not serious enough to warrant emergency room evaluation. Some of these illnesses or injuries may include, but are not limited to:- Cuts, scrapes, bruises
- Skin rashes, insect bites
- Minor burns
- Fever, cold, flu
- Sore throat
- Sinus and upper respiratory infection
- Ear pain/swimmer’s ear
- Sudden back or neck pain
- Simple fractures
- Urinary frequency/burning
- Pinkeye
- Common warts
- Vomiting
- Pregnancy testing
- Headaches
- Diarrhea
>> Same Day Appointment Options
There are two options for same day appointments. Patients may call to schedule same-day appointments with our providers. This option will generally minimize your waiting time. Patients do have walk-in access as well. This option, however, may lead to longer wait times, as we may be serving others with scheduled appointments.
Same Day patients are generally treated on a first come, first served basis. We make every attempt to see you as quickly as possible. Wait times are dependent on the number of people seeking care, as well as the seriousness of their conditions.
>> Determining Care and Treatment Options
If you are not sure whether you need to be evaluated, our Registered Nurses will review your symptoms and help you decide when and where you should be seen. Follow-up will be advised on an individual basis. We will make every effort to schedule your follow-up appointment with your primary care provider.
Same Day appointment is a convenient option for treating minor medical issues, but should not replace regular visits with your primary care provider. If you do not have a primary care provider, we can assist you in establishing with one of our Family Physicians or Physician Assistants.